I was very fortunate to be inspired to love history by two excellent masters at my old school. However, it was only late in my career in the Royal Navy that I became interested in naval and military history. Sadly, our naval history lessons at Dartmouth were good opportunities to catch up on some much needed sleep.
I spent twenty years in the Royal Navy, serving in a variety of ships and submarines, in naval intelligence and as a Mandarin Chinese interpreter. I came to writing late in life. I began to find true stories of heroic deeds more fascinating than fiction and one day I suddenly thought, 'More people should know about this.' From that point I began to evolve a series of plots to honour some very courageous people.
My novels are not history books. It is the author's privilege to twist facts or rearrange them to fit the story for the purposes of entertainment. However, I hope they will inspire you to read the actual history of the events portrayed.

THE TRADE - By Rudyard Kipling
They bear, in place of classic names,
Letters and numbers on their skin.
They play their grisly blindfold games
In little boxes made of tin.
Sometimes they stalk the Zeppelin,
Sometimes they learn where mines are laid,
Or where the Baltic ice is thin.
That is the custom of "The Trade."
Few prize-courts sit upon their claims.
They seldom tow their targets in.
They follow certain secret aims
Down under, far from strife or din.
When they are ready to begin
No flag is flown, no fuss is made
More than the shearing of a pin.
That is the custom of "The Trade."
The Scout's quadruple funnel flames
A mark from Sweden to the Swin,
The Cruiser's thund'rous screw proclaims
Her comings out and goings in:
But only whiffs of paraffin
Or creamy rings that fizz and fade
Show where the one-eyed Death has been.
That is the custom of "The Trade."
Their feats, their fortunes and their fames
Are hidden from their nearest kin;
No eager public backs or blames,
No journal prints the yarn they spin
(The Censor would not let it in! )
When they return from run or raid.
Unheard they work, unseen they win.
That is the custom of "The Trade."

Ian Fleming
"Everything I write has a precedent in truth."
I’d love to hear feedback from you. I would also be happy to give talks to groups, especially those raising money for good causes. I do not charge for these talks, but might seek travelling expenses.