Naturally, I am extremely proud to have received twenty-two 5* reviews on Amazon UK for my first novel, The Custom of the Trade, as well as several in the US and even one in France. However, it is particularly pleasing to receive favourable comment from one’s peers and I am very flattered to have received three reviews from authors in different genres.
This was from Loyd Uglow, in Texas and author of several books, including, Slow Train to Sonora, a spy story set on the Mexican border in 1911.
"Compared to World War II, not many books cover the First World War, and few of those deal with the naval war. Shaun Lewis has done much to redress that imbalance. He weaves parallel plots, the first about Lieutenant Richard Miller's exploits on the Royal Navy's early submarines, and the second about his fiancee, Lizzy Miller (a distant relation), and her role in Britain's Women's Suffrage movement. The characters are well drawn and believable. Richard is that rarity in today's fiction, a devout Christian portrayed in a positive light, and author Lewis does it skillfully. The action is tense and there's a lot of technical detail, but it is rendered in an understandable way, so things don't bog down. Some dialogue is slowed by intervening description, but the characters' words themselves ring true. I highly recommend this naval action adventure."
He was even kind enough to email me to say, “Your book really was enjoyable and exciting, and your characters were well drawn. I’ll look forward to your next novel.”
Roger A Price, a local crime writer of four novels, including his latest, Vengeance, wrote:
"A Cracking Read. For a debut, Lewis has done a great job. This is indeed a 'Ripping Yarn', but what adds to the fiction is the knowledge that so much of it is based from fact. It oozes plausibility. Clearly, Lewis as an ex-submariner has a plethora of technical knowledge but as this tale is set during WW1 the author has clearly done a vast amount of research. If you love military fiction with lots of facts, this is a book for you. That said, Lewis threads the technical know-how into the the plot in such a clever way, you are informed without feeling bombarded. The characterisation is good with real depth so that you really care what happens to them. This page-turner leads to a cracking denouement with an obvious set-up for the next instalment. Highly recommended."
And finally, this from Annabel Murray, the author of an impressive thirty-one novels published by Mills and Boon:
"This is a masterpiece of authorship. Despite the details of submarine operation the reader has no difficulty in following the story. Shaun has skilfully weaved in details of the Suffragette movement as well as a love story. His characters are believable and likeable."
Thank you to Loyd, Roger and Annabel, not just for their generous praise, but for taking the time to support a fledgling author. I am inching towards my target of thirty reviews in the UK and hope this will encourage my publisher to accept my second novel next month.